Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Winter Song

Winter Song

A drink at dusk…bright red ripple in the birdbath.

Praise the Lord…Praise God in His sanctuary!

Nothing to offer…but a winter song.

Praise Him in His mighty heavens…Praise Him for His mighty deeds!

Lord…can You hear my winter song?

Praise Him…according to His excellent greatness!

Last sip…as light slips away.

Praise Him with trumpet sound…praise Him with lute and harp!

Dream now…of a summer song!

Praise Him with tambourine and dance…praise Him with strings and pipe!

Even so…come Lord Jesus!

Praise Him with sounding cymbals…praise Him with loud clashing cymbals!

Oh…how I will sing!

Inspired by…Winter Cardinals at my birdbath…"song" in bold print

Psalm 150:1-6…Revelation 5, 19 & 22

Ground Blizzard:Driving Instructions


Ground Blizzard:Driving Instructions

High pressure moonlit sky whips…a whiteout below.

Lost…in a wall of snow.

Don’t stop…keep moving.

Lights on…they will know you’re ahead.

Slow down of course…try not to panic.

Passenger open the door…look for the center stripe or side of the road.

Passed by a semi…He's above the snow.

Follow...those lights.

Best advice…sing and pray!

Inspired by…Red River Valley Ground Blizzards…My friend Hap Ambuehl

John 8:12…Matthew 5:13-16…Colossians 3:1-2

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas in Laodicea

Christmas in Laodicea

Nativity scenes…in the public square.

Buy your gold from me… gold that's been through the refiner's fire.

The national Christmas tree…and a non-offensive prayer.

Then…you'll be rich.

Family arguments…on the way to church.

Buy medicine for your eyes from me…so you can see, really see.

Lighting of the advent candles…but thinking of the last minute sales.

The people I love…I call to account.

The First Noel…Jingle Bell Rock.

Up… on your feet!

Merry Christmas…a hypocritical loyalty to a lukewarm religion.

About face…Run after God!

Inspired by…my “can’t I have it all” attitude…
Rev. 3:14-22…those who recognized Jesus on Christmas Eve

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Shyah's Sermon

Shyah's Sermon

"White Church" starts on clock work.

We are late...again.

A cold hugs or smiles.

Sterile "worship" music...each song the same.

Forgettable sermon...a rush to finish on time.

Anesthesia...almost forgot its Communion Sunday.

Awareness...His body and blood are in my hand.

"Close your eyes...and think about Jesus."

Jesus...You spoke through Shaya today.

A meaningless benediction...Amen and lock the church.

Inspired by...Matthew 18...Shyah L

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Narcissus Saved

Narcissus Saved


Lord, Am I not beautiful?

My…sound words and doctrine.

My...pious attendance at Sunday services.

My...confession of faith and memorization of the creeds.

My...tithes, offerings, and special offerings.


Lord, Am I not beautiful?

My…baptismal certificate and observation of The Lord’s Supper.

My...kindness to the neighbors and service to the poor.

My...witness to You in the workplace.

My...songs in the sanctuary.


Lord, Am I not beautiful?

My…loyalty to the flock.

My...membership in the flock.

                                                   of the flock.

My...beautiful wool.


My Lord and My God…rescue me!




Inspired by…Psalm 50…Deuteronomy 6:5…2 Timothy 3:5…John 10:27
Narcissus (Greek Mythology) and Mark Horst painting
John Wesley July 25, 1741
My 50th (a few years ago!)  

Sunday, December 14, 2014


Black pearl of a woman…singing in a foreign land.
We've come this far by faith… leaning on the Lord.

Rocking in her seat…not some false emotionalism.

Trusting in His Holy word…He never failed me yet.

Back…to remind her of God’s steadfast love.
Oh'…can't turn around.

Forth…knowing the hope of the future.
We've come this far by faith.
Inspired by…Psalm 137...1 Samuel 7:12
Momma ML...Women of Keystone Baptist-Chicago...Albert Goodson 1956
God’s mercy and truth…lives of the extraordinary.


“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
Sweet little Jesus Boy born a long time ago...Sweet little Holy Child…We didn't know who You were.
“But you have no idea where I come from or where I am going.”
Didn't know you come to save us Lord…to take our sins away.
    “You do not know me or my Father.”
Our eyes was blind…we couldn't see.
 “If you knew me, you would know my Father also.”
We didn't know…it was You.
“Very truly I tell you, before Abraham was born, I am!”
Now I know…it was You!

Inspired by…John 8…The Messiah…Simeon
Mahalia Jackson singing "Sweet Little Jesus Boy"
Jesus' words in red...Mahalia's words in black

Thursday, December 11, 2014



Lord…where will You be this Christmas Eve?

I love the LORD, for he heard my voice…He heard my cry for mercy.

I know Lord…where You will be.

 Because he turned his ear to me…I will call on him as long as I live.

Comforting those…when things get really hard.

The cords of death entangled me…the anguish of the grave…distress and sorrow.

There with the lonely drunk…at the bar.

Then I called on the name of the LORD…“LORD, save me!”

There with the searching…in the prison.

The LORD is gracious and righteous…our God is full of compassion.

There with the cold and hungry…at the shelter.

The LORD protects the unwary…when I was brought low, he saved me.

There with my grandma…alone in the nursing home.

Return to your rest, my soul…for the LORD has been good to you.

There with the teen…contemplating suicide.

For you, LORD, have delivered me from death…my eyes from tears.

There with a soldier…far from home.

My feet from stumbling… that I may walk before the LORD in the land of the living.

Lord…where will You be this Christmas Eve?

 I love the LORD, for he heard my voice…He heard my cry for mercy.

I know Lord…where You will be.


Inspired by…Psalm 116…George Bailey…It’s A Wonderful Life (with Jesus)



Wake up call…for Jim Crow.


Coffee…black like Jack Johnson.


Cheese grits…smooth as his right cross.


Eggs with hot sauce…scrambled like Burns and Jeffries.


Bacon…the haymaker lands no need for seconds!


 Inspired by...Jack Johnson…Heavyweight Champion…The Equality of Man