Winter on the Rappahannock...and "The Union is dead."
"Ain't God the Captain?...He started this war and is right in front!"
Thousands of deserters leave to taunts and jeers...and "The Union shall never rise."
"He may stop in his career...and let you rest up a little bit now."
Rain, mud, the roads impassable..."Where is your God?"
"Our Captain...ain't never been beaten."
Robert Lee the savior...Lincoln's insanity reaches hellish lows.
"Soon...He'll start out again."
Confident that the stone cannot be rolled away...and "The Union is certainly dead."
"You'll hear the bugle blow...and He'll march on to victory."
Inspired by...The Battle of Fredericksburg...
Matthew 10:29...1 Corinthians 15
Slave-Fannie Dawson correcting her Master's confidence in Confederate victory.
Fannie's warning in bold print.