Saturday, January 24, 2015



I ask myself this question…every day.

And then…I try to forget.

Inspired by…Isaiah 55...human will...predestination...sovereignty


Saturday, January 17, 2015

MLK Day at Church

MLK Day at Church

You…don’t welcome…but ask…where is your home?

You…don’t talk to my wife…but ask… where did you meet?

You…don’t sing our songs…but ask… why don’t you sing?

You…don’t shake our hand…but ask… why don’t you clap?

You…don’t need us…but ask… what do you need?

You…don’t miss us…but ask… where have you been?

You…don’t want to stay…but ask… when can you connect?

You…don’t want to listen…but ask…why don’t you talk?

You…don’t travel to Samaria…but ask…why don’t they come?

You…don’t like this poem…and ask me to leave.

Inspiration..."Celebrating Blackness" one day a year in "White Church"

John 4

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Skillful Writer

Skillful Writer

They say I’m confused…why do I sing?

My heart is stirred by a noble theme… my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer.

Because of You, Ancient of Days…I sing!

You are the most excellent of men…and your lips have been anointed with grace.

They scoff…it is not time you fool.

Gird your sword on your side, you mighty one…clothe yourself with splendor and majesty. 

Because of You…Jehovah-Jirah…I sing!

In your majesty ride forth victoriously…in the cause of truth, humility and justice.

Because of You…Jehovah-Shalom…I will not stay silent!

  Let your right hand…achieve awesome deeds.

Because of You…Jehovah-Nissi…I sing an early song.

Inspired by…Psalm 45:1-4...

The confused/ early “spring” song of a January Cardinal (A Warm January Day-2012)...

The Blood-His Victory-His Return

Monday, January 5, 2015

Dove On A Distant Oak

Dove On A Distant Oak


Lord…why must I wait?


As the Wolf Moon…pierces the January sky.


Help me Lord…O God have mercy!


Frozen fingers of the oak cry out…for a new day.


It is so dark…can You hear my cry?


I hear You…but You are so far away.


I fear the verdict…a whitewashed tomb.


Dove on a distant oak…teach me a new song!



Inspired by…Psalm 40…Psalm 56…The Power of the Holy Spirit


Sunday, January 4, 2015



Winter on the Rappahannock...and "The Union is dead."

"Ain't God the Captain?...He started this war and is right in front!"

Thousands of deserters leave to taunts and jeers...and "The Union shall never rise."

"He may stop in his career...and let you rest up a little bit now."

Rain, mud, the roads impassable..."Where is your God?"

"Our Captain...ain't never been beaten."

Robert Lee the savior...Lincoln's insanity reaches hellish lows.

"Soon...He'll start out again."

Confident that the stone cannot be rolled away...and "The Union is certainly dead."

"You'll hear the bugle blow...and He'll march on to victory."


Inspired by...The Battle of Fredericksburg...

Matthew 10:29...1 Corinthians 15

Slave-Fannie Dawson correcting her Master's confidence in Confederate victory.

Fannie's warning in bold print.