Friday, August 29, 2014



The fool says in his heart...“There is no God!"

One ton wheels of hay dot the land...once roamed by Triceratops.

Below, Black Gold...seduces old men in dungarees.

The forgotten echo of siblings...playing in their fort made of shale.

Coyotes wait return to their carcass.

Taste the North Dakota Case combines purr in the distance.

Grandma’s ashes disappear...and slowly settle into the Bluegrass prairie.

God...why did You choose me?


My thoughts are not your thoughts and My ways are not your ways.”

And the North Dakota wind blows…
Inspired by...Grandma Elaine and Uncle Gar's (now abandoned) childhood home near Bluegrass, North Dakota...Why did God choose to save me and not other members of my family...Isaiah 55...God's words in bold print...Memories of all of us spreading grandma's ashes

Monday, August 25, 2014

Jehovah Nissi

Jehovah Nissi

Thus his hands were steady until the sunset…

The perfect sunset...Red Sea, Marah, Elim, Wilderness of Sin, Horeb.

Fifty years of fighting my own battles… “God, feel free to step in if I need You.”

Amalekites constantly attack… “Take a break Lord, I got this one.”

I am so ingenious, cunning, strong…
     Book end prayers…
                      ritualistic “quiet times”…
                                       Christian best-sellers…
                                                         well-organized retreats and programs…
                                                                              sound doctrine and theology…
                                                                                                                  small group…

The perfect sunset…a distant and forgotten sunset.

Exodus 17 or Numbers 14?

“Well done” or “I never knew you”?

The Lord is my banner…The perfect sunset.

Inspired by...Exodus 17 and Numbers 14...

50+ years of fighting my own battles...The sunset after the storm 

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Soup Kitchen Jesus

Soup Kitchen Jesus

Saturday night…Sunday morning.

Jesus is the same and forever.

Cheap beer, homeless body odor…Communion juice and bologna sandwiches.

Folding chair sanctuary…soup kitchen.

Mistreated, suffering, downcast…forgetful, spoiled, haughty…brothers and sisters?

Hell fire and hospitality.

You better come on in this’s gonna rain.

Inspired by: JPUSA: Chicago "Uptown"...Hebrews 13:1-8..."It's Gonna Rain"

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Fanny Crosby's "Blessed Assurance"-1873 


Hear my prayer, O Lord...crushed, thirsty, blind...answer me quickly.

Ready or not hear I come!

Teach me the way in this dark place.

Shadows, wind, breath, warmth...echoes of mercy...whispers of love.

You're it...Olly, olly oxen free!

 Inspired by..."Hide and Seek Conversation" between God and Fanny Crosby (arguably the greatest hymn writer of all time)...God's words in bold print

Psalm 143...Matthew 6:33

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Dry Bones

Dry Bones

The Spirit of the Lord sat me down in the church; it was full of bones…and the bones were very dry.

Dry bones of…
                       sparkling mega-church altars.

                                   “perfectly-timed” order of worship.

                                                dogmatic, legalistic theology.

                                                            members going through the motions.

                                                                            marketing campaigns and unlimited budgets.

                                                                                        processed prayers and flat screen T.V.’s.

                                                                                                neglected neighborhoods...

                                                                                                                  and segregated Sundays.

Can these dry bones live again?

“O Lord God, You know.”

Can you here the rattling?!?

Inspired by...Ezekiel 37:1-14...Church Renewal...Matthew 18:1-5...Institutional Church Hypocrisy