Saturday, October 11, 2014

6 o'clock News

6 o’clock News

Eyewitness News here in West Garfield Park…just waiting for something bad to happen.


Everybody’s saggin’…carryin’…and sellin’ dope.

Gangs walking down the sidewalk…could they just be friends?

Babies havin’ babies…welfare queens.

How do they do it…let’s see if we can talk to someone.

Sir…sir…what’s your name?   George…George what’s it like living in Garfield Park?

Well…I have a good job…payin’ the bills.

 Beautiful wife…great neighbors…kids go to school every day…two in college.

Church on Sunday…praisin’ the Lord!

Jesus is good…Jesus is good!

Jesus is Lord…in Garfield Park!
Inspired portrayal of race...the real truth in "Colored America"...Jesus in the City

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